I love quiches, they are one of my favorite ways to use up all the veggies and cheese and other goodies aging in my black-hole of a refrigerator. One problem for me is the crust, one because it's pretty fattening, and I have been trying to lighten up all of my cooking lately, and two because I am lazy. (Wow, too lazy to make pie crust and needs lightening up, I am real catch huh? Good thing I am already love-ed.) I have mostly messed up the pie crusts I have tried to make in the past and while I pretty much know what I could do to fix my mistakes, I seem to have a mental pie crust block now. Pie crusts from the store are either lard laden and flavorless or made with butter (yay!) but very pricey (boo). The whole drive behind my quiche idea was making a super economical meal on the fly.
So what to use instead? I had been reading smittenkitchen's post about tortillas recently, and it provided with my own little ah-ha moment when I saw a bag of pre-sliced potatoes at Target. Potato crust! Everyone loves potatoes, and they're not inherently stuffed with butter! (They're just better that way.)
The results were amazingly good. Mikie took the time to cook the onions and peppers for me to the point of almost carmelization, they were sweet and soft, and very nicely played off the bold creamy little pieces of goat cheese. Yum!
Tri-Pepper Goat Cheese Quiche with Potato Crust:
4 Tablespoons Canola Oil (or any oil with a high smoke point)
1 Russet Potato sliced thin or ran through a food processor or mandolin*
1/2 of a Green Pepper
1/2 of a Yellow Pepper
1/2 of a Red Pepper
1 teaspoon Fresh Thyme
2 Tablespoons Goat Cheese
4 Eggs
1/3 of a cup of Half and Half
Salt and Pepper to your liking
*You can also use pre-sliced but really doesn't work as well, as I found out the hard way.
Preheat oven to 375.
Heat onions and peppers in one Tablespoon of oil, salt, and cook on a low heat, stirring, for about 10-15 minutes until soft.
Heat the remaining oil on medium-high heat in an oven safe pan. Place the potatoes in slowly and carefully, working from the center out, trying to make a single layer if possible. (Mine was pretty messy, but the egg that runs down beneath the potatoes will get too browned and be no so good eats.) Oil should be sizzling when you add the potatoes so be extra careful.
Season the potatoes with salt and pepper generously, and allow to cook until turning golden-brown around the edges. Turn heat down to low.
Start layering on your onions and peppers. Cut your goat cheese into tiny pieces and dot on top of peppers and onion. Sprinkle on Thyme.
Crack your eggs and mix with half and half in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Pour into your pan.
Turn heat up just slightly and cook on the stove top until the edges are set. Transfer pan to oven and cook until completely set throughout. (about 10 minutes)
This is good hot, room temperature, or cold, so at this point you're golden! Or if you're me you're more like a few minutes away from charred, but it was awesome anyways. This would be great for a brunch or a lunch with a pretty salad.
1 comment:
sounds super yum!! great idea with the potato crust!
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