I have been more of a taker than a giver lately. As a way of dealing with stress I have sort of opted out of the whole communitanment business for a little while, instead choosing to absorb all the sweet sweet random content that the interwebs have to offer.
One realm I have been visiting lately is the collection of site on fashion and some on body issue politics known as the land of Fat Fashion.
Let me first just say something that I have been thinking about the idea of self identifying as fat. I know it is the new "queer" in reclaiming smears, but most of me just thinks that fat is something that you have, not something that you are, no matter what weight you happen to be. I do like the attitudes of all the ladies reclaiming the word, and I certainly would begrudge them using the term in any way they like.
Take for instance the ladies over at Fatshionist. They have an amazing community of self called "fatties" who not only discuss the politics, and perils one faces being shaped more Tracy Turnblad than Penny Pingleton, but also share reviews of all online plus-size retailers, and outfit-of-the-day photo diaries. This is the site that opened up the whole world of the Curvaceous Fashion Queens to me, but it's not where my journey ended.
My latest find is a simply gorgeous French fashion blog, Le blog de Big Beauty, almost sounding like a joke name, it is really a looking glass into the magically timeless, romantic world of French fashion. The blog's author is the star of a outfit highlighting photo shoot in many posts, and embodies such a magnetic beauty that you never think for a minute of what size her clothes are. Of course I can't read French so this site is really mostly about the pictures for me.
What a surprise this morning though, when I checked in and not only were there amazing pictures, but also some words that I could read! A magazine called "style," which is where the picture at the top comes in, had an amazing photo shoot of Beth Ditto, and also pictures of her new line for UK store Evans. (Must have purse, jacket, and shoes! Could do without cat t-shirt.) [Via Le blog de Big Beauty - go here for the full post!] [Note: I found out later in the day that these pictures were also run in the Times style section this weekend.]

Outfit of the day section is pretty cool. That one red head looks like shes on mad men!!
Oh yes, they will be mine.
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