Monday, March 9, 2009

Just the Funny Bits

In our ever expanding media landscape, there is an endless supply of things to keep you entertained, at least keep you entertained enough to distract you from whatever you're looking to be distracted from. The worst is when you're looking for distraction, humor, fun, and all you get is a steaming pile of unfunny. That's why I am devoting myself tirelessly to the pursuit of funny, and willing to report back to you, my people. 

Today I am giving you "Just the Funny Bits" of this week's Saturday Night Live, staring Dwayne, The Rock, Johnson. He's a nice enough guy, you want him to be funny, he is rather charming in a large dimply way. But the charming don't always succeed on SNL. Most skits are still a miss due to lack luster comedy writing. Some skits however, can still come together perfectly, with the right premise and the right star. Hence, The Rock Obama.

Sadly there wasn't much more funny to report on this week from SNL, but we'll 
keep you posted when funny rears it's head (Like Putin!) once again.


Tamonster said...

hahah that was funny.

Heather said...

That had me laughing out loud for reals!